The 360 Family Office Philanthropy Process

Are you one of the few who would like to make a positive difference in the world but wonder how you can do it with real impact? Me too.
I have volunteered to work with many many organization since I was around 11 years old. That summer the Special Olympics was held at UCLA and I held the finish line tape at the track and field running events. That warm, tearful, joyous, loving feeling of being part of that scene has never left me.
How to do this is always an interesting question. If not me than who? Most have no idea how to address homelessness, crime, child abuse and hunger. However being a long time Chair of the Rotary LA5 Children’s Court Committee a member of the Community Services Committee and being a volunteer at CASA LA, Los Angeles Big Brothers, Imagine LA and a few other orgs has illuminated how for me.
One of the beautiful things about this approach is to see it really work and many times – not work. My view of homelessness and the why and how of combating it comes from an up close and personal inspection. Watching it expand in Los Angeles and around the country is a zero surprise when watching the approach and non-approaches being taken which offer a zero chance of success. The attachment offers a model of the assessment process that would be used for your Philanthropic plan.

“The courage to change the things I can” is part of a prayer I am fond of. This we can do together. An idea for you to consider…Did you know that there are more than 30,000 foster children in Los Angeles County alone?
I am organizing an upcoming event that will focus on supporting Foster Children in the court system, the education process, the families that care for them and the people that protect them. Major players in the challenge are coming to talk to the LA5 Rotary Club on April 17th and we are going to award grants of over $100,000 to a group of firms in action protecting, lifting and caring for this invisible population of children. You are invited to join me there or to make a contribution that will offer high impact to Foster Children. It is participation that offers the satisfaction of participating in positive community impact, not the amount we offer in time or money.
Whether you can join me at this event or if this is not the right place for you to give, let’s have a conversation about a plan unique and special for you and your family and that offers the joy and satisfaction of making a difference in your world.
Standing by if I can be of assistance.