Path to Carbon Free Power Generation 2035

When I was a little boy of 18 years old I had a experience for the summer as a solar power salesperson. What that meant was to go out to homes all over the smoking hot san Fernando Valley and ask people if they knew about how solar power could heat their pool and replace the hot water heater and how the State and Federal tax credits would pay for it. I wore a “Angel FLight” suit and new shoes and had a very small impact of the citizenry. What it did teach me was a lot about renewable energy and how solar and other power is adopted or not and how it works.
The mandate has changed in a big way as adoption by individuals was around invisible. Now States have assigned 2035 as the target for 75% adoption by the energy providers – not the energy users. In California that means rolling blackouts as it wrestles with reality of power via alternative sources. The two main categories are wind and solar power.
There is an attachment which illustrates the path to 2035 adoption. It is interesting to note the number of projects in planning and early development. fIt is quite interesting that there is not enough in process to make that goal happen in the USA, however some regions – the West, Central and the Northeast have a legitimate shot at that goal. The Southeast has no chance and seems to be ignoring the whole idea. This makes the idea of the Federal government mandating states behavior could be in the cards. The conclusion available to me after watching for 40 years is that the next 40 years is not likely to be less complicated but could be more successful. The fact is that the renewable and sustainable energy space is now investable and can be part of a successful portfolio.
If you have an interest in investing in renewable energy the 360 Family Office offers a focused renewable energy “sleeve” that can be added to your portfolio.
Standing by if I can be of assistance.