Key Questions for the Long-Term Investor

The LEAP Foundation asked me to give a talk to 400 young people on Money Management at UCLA today. It’s a one hour talk and that is a really big topic.
Should I talk about the importance of having an investment philosophy? Should it be investing 101? Why invest? Where to Invest? Keys to Success? Who are you as an investor? The topic range appeared endless and I can go on – for sure.
In reviewing my inventory of resources the attached article turns out to be a really solid look at the topic and the fundamentals required for success…brought to us by the MasterMInd in Money Management, Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA). The DFA academic, research centric process always wins when it comes to having a reliable place to think from and a successful track record that can be relied on like no other -literally.
Every 360WR client has a DFA portfolio that relies on everything you read here and is customized for their purposes and desired outcomes. If your not a DFA client – oops. Call me and let’s discuss the advantages available and how to make it happen for you no matter what stage of investment success you seek.