Have a Trust? You Might Need a Trust Protector!

Insightful report about safeguarding your trust.
I saw this report about how important it can be to have a trust protector for your trust. A trust protector ensures that a trustee is always acting ethically—and can fire the trustee if he or she spots misconduct. Having a trust protector can add in an important safeguard for your wealth.
Trusts are overseen by trustees. But who is keeping an eye on those trustees to ensure they’re not exploiting you and stealing your wealth? If your answer is “no one” or “I don’t know,” it may be time to consider adding a trust protector to your team of advisors.
The report is published by BSW Inner Circle, a global financial concierge group I have on retainer to keep me up to date on the latest research and strategies for addressing the key concerns of successful people like you.
Click here to read the report.