A 360 Family Office Update

As 2020 closes a new adventure begins with our main office moving. The decision was driven by many factors. A critical one was a opportunity to affiliate with some exciting partners in a new city – Boise, Idaho. This is an exciting growing city because of the moderate weather and the underlying economics that offer families home and educational opportunities. I have been working in Boise for many years now and decided with the new business environment – more virtual and less geographically dependent – to take advantage and create an exciting adventure.
The new business environment is one where we can be much more comfortable doing a web meeting and communicating in new but effective and personally satisfying ways. Still, there is no replacement for the in-person meetings and as COVID restrictions adjust, each quarter there will be a time for regular in-person meetings all around Los Angeles and other cities in America where the 360 Family Office has the pleasure of great client relationships. You may be amused at what the travel plan looks like and we will share more once the first quarter of 2021 begins.
Supporting you and your family’s journey of success have never been more important. Share what is on your mind and what you want and need for personal success. Our role to support and work in any way to make it happen has never been more clear, nor our resources more capable.
As always, standing by.